
Installation schedule

Plan your projects easily with Wipoz’s integrated calendar. Get a centralized overview of all your activities. Easily distinguish your events by type of project (quantity survey, installation, after-sales service) and by participant.

Manage all your installations easily from Wipoz!

Fast Time


Create an installation request in under 5 minutes.



Simplified management of all your installations thanks to our functionalities.


100% Visibility

Track all your projects from a single tool, with complete confidence.


After-sales services management and follow-up

With Wipoz, after-sales services management is 100% digital, from submission to closure.

After-sales services are handled by a installer chosen by the kitchen designer and supported by our Customer Service department.

Key after-sales figures at Wipoz*:
19% after-sales services on all our installation projects
89.7% of Wipoz installations without after-sales service due to the fitter.

* Source Wipoz 2022.

Work Completion Certificate with photos, signature, and quality survey

You’re a fitter? Easily generate your Work Completion Certificates and collect the client’s final signature.

You are a kitchen specialist? Automatically receive the Work Completion Certificates with all elements needed to verify installation quality.

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Instant messaging

Interact anytime with Wipoz customer service teams. Instant messaging streamlines communication between the artisan fitter and the kitchen specialist, with traceability throughout the project lifecycle.

Key event notifications

Real-time tracking of your projects through notifications of key events, sent throughout the project (fitter confirmation after project publication, measurement date reminder, installation dates, Work Completion Certificate sharing and end-of-job photos, invoice receipt, etc.).

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Ready to experience Wipoz? Open your account now!

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